Cannabis News

SCCCA Announces Regular LIFEStream Events

Last Friday, July 29th 2017 the South Carolina Compassionate Care Alliance broadcast their first LIFEStream event with Jill Swing. The organization is gearing up to deliver updates from the frontlines of the fight to legalize marijuana for medical purposes in South Carolina.

As the LIFEStream series progresses, more team members of the SCCCA will stream their presentations including testimonials of how cannabis has improved their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Guest speakers are certainly in the works, as well as LIFEStreams from the SCCCA YouTube channel.

The South Carolina Compassionate Care Alliance advocates for comprehensive legislation that allows for legal access to medical cannabis.

Be sure to like the LIFEStream Facebook Page to stay posted on the latest LIFEStream events from SCCCA!