
Cannabis Education in South Carolina

Marijuana in South Carolina isn’t really a new thing, this state enacted marijuana tax stamps after prohibition and even legalized marijuana for medical purposes in the 1980’s. Most recently the state legalized CBD oil in 2014. Currently there is proposed legislation that would afford South Carolina residents up to two ounces of medical cannabis every 14 days. This is a miracle for some including those suffering with PTSD, Cancer, Lyme Disease, AIDS and more.

Marijuana Education

It’s no secret that there are biases against the medicinal plant, whether founded or not they exist. To go straight up against opposition like this requires understanding and education. On that cue, several advocacy organizations across the state and even joining in from across the nation pulled resources together to deliver to South Carolina the best in Cannabis Education.

Ahead of the Curve

On March 9th 2016 the upstate based, Cannabis Educational Resource, Cannabis Forward hosted an educational event in Greenville SC that featured Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti PhD from the USC school of Medicine to deliver a factual lecture about medical cannabis:

Cannabis Experts

The following year, several experts in the fields of science and medicine were requested to speak in Columbia at the South Carolina statehouse to provide their expert opinion on why medical marijuana should be considered.

Law Enforcement

Shortly after the medical hearing on cannabis, a second hearing for law enforcement was held and some supporters spoke in favor of the bill.

Passing the Legislation

While the proposed law did not pass this year, the new legislative session begins in 2019 meaning passage is still possible. To be effective however the facts and information need to become widely available. To that end the South Carolina Compassionate Care Alliance, and other advocacy organizations across the state, continue to hold education events and provide both printed and digital information that makes the case for Medical Marijuana in South Carolina today.

Please consider donating to our organization so we can continue to host these educational events across the state, thank you.