
2020 Candidate Medical Cannabis Survey Data

Updated 10/21/20

Recently we developed a poll for candidates seeking office in the upcoming primaries. We asked them each the following five questions with the answers being either Agree, Disagree, or Undecided.

Q1: Medical cannabis should be available for patients with debilitating conditions when recommended by their physician.

Q2: Patients whose physicians recommend cannabis should be able to legally and safely access all forms of cannabis.

Q3: If elected, I would like to propose and/or sponsor or co-sponsor legislation that would allow South Carolina to join the 33 states that have already legalized cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Q4: Constituents who live within the district for which I am running generally support the legalization of cannabis for medicinal use in South Carolina.

Q5: Taxpayer funds should not be utilized to run public campaigns which disparage the medicinal use of cannabis.

Here is how each candidate responded, we will update this data as more responses continue to trickle in.

House Race Responses

Senate Race Responses

Raw Data

2 replies on “2020 Candidate Medical Cannabis Survey Data”

Please LEGALIZE MEDICAL MARIJUANA. I have SPMS and my pain, weaknesses and etc. are getting more difficult to handle everyday. I use MARIJUANA that I get from dealers. It REALLY helps and gives me hope but whatever they use to grow it or put on it doesn’t always agree with my bodies system and gives me an allergic reaction. Please help me and EVERYONE who suffering from a MAJOR DISEASE. Thank you.

Thank you for your comment, Thomas. We are fighting for patients across the state just like you, but we can’t do it alone. Our mission is to educate patents on how to contact their state law makers, share their stories, and encourage them to pass the SC Compassionate Care Act. S150/H3361. Please reach out to your state law makers today! If you need help finding who they are or their contact information, you can go to the Statehouse website Please let us know if you need help! And be sure to “like” our Facebook page SC Compassionate Care Alliance for important updates and action alerts during the legislative session.

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