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South Carolina Doctors Say YES To Medical Cannabis

Several doctors called for the legalization of medical cannabis in South Carolina today over a broadcasted Zoom meeting. The professionals each talked about their personal experience including researching the various molecules of the plant, interpreting spectral analysis, and the experiences of their patients. Quality of life was discussed as well as the potential for medical cannabis to improve end of life scenarios.

There was even discussion about utilizing medical marijuana for COVID19. A recent article in The State highlights research by Dr. Nagarkatti in preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome in mice with THC. The replay from MPP is available below.

S.C. Medical Cannabis Virtual Press Conference, January 19, 2021.

Physicians, medical researchers, and pharmacists speak in support of the S.C. Compassionate Care Act.

  • Rep. Bill Herbkersman (R-Beaufort), sponsor H. 3661
  • Dr. Jamelah Lemon, president of the S.C. Podiatric Medical Association
  • Dr. Monnie Singleton, MD, Orangeburg
  • Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti, University of South Carolina’s Vice President for Research
  • Dr. Stephen Cutler, Dean, College of Pharmacy, University of South Carolina
  • Pharmacist Daniel Bundrick, Surfside Beach
  • Dr. Jacobo Mintzer, professor in the department of Health Studies, Medical University of South Carolina

(Affiliations are for identification only.)

A recording of the playback on Facebook is available here.

Here is a report from News 2 NBC.

And here is the reporting by News 4 ABC.

A News 4 ABC poll shows 93% of respondents support legalizing medical marijuana in South Carolina.