Cannabis News

S150 Headed to House, Legalized Medical Marijuana in Sight!

On Thursday February 10th, 2022, the South Carolina State Senate sent S150, the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act, to the State House of Representatives. SC Senator Tom Davis has worked tirelessly on this bill for almost a decade now.

Press Release

South Carolina Senate Approves Medical Cannabis Legislation

S. 150 now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration

Columbia, SC — On Thursday, the South Carolina Senate passed a medical cannabis bill in a voice vote on third reading. The bill passed 28-15 on second reading.

The South Carolina Compassionate Care Act (S. 150), introduced by Sen. Tom Davis (R), would create a well-regulated medical cannabis program to allow patients with debilitating medical conditions and a doctor’s certification to access medical cannabis from regulated facilities. 

Debate on the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act in the Senate began on January 26, marking the first time that the chamber has considered medical cannabis legalization. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration. 

South Carolinians overwhelmingly support allowing cannabis for medical use. A February 2021 poll conducted by Starboard Communications found that 72% of South Carolina residents support legalizing cannabis for medical use, with only 15% opposed. Additionally, the Epilepsy Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the South Carolina Podiatric Medical Association have supported South Carolina’s medical cannabis bills for some time. 

Thirty-seven states — including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and most recently, Mississippi — have laws providing the framework for patients with debilitating medical conditions to have access to regulated cannabis products under a doctor’s care.

“After seven long years of fighting, this Senate vote is truly an historic moment. It brings hope for so many who desperately need safe, legal access to medical cannabis. I can never thank Senator Davis enough for his tireless efforts. But I am also grateful for all members of the Senate whose careful discernment brought them to a place of support for the Compassionate Care Act. SC House, here we come!”

Jill Swing of Charleston, executive director of the S.C. Compassionate Care Alliance and mother of a daughter with a severe seizure disorder

“The veteran community is proud of the South Carolina Senate’s approval of our medical cannabis bill. Now let’s expedite this bill through the House of Representatives. My fellow veterans are long overdue for our freedom and choice of medical treatment.” 

Cody Callerman, Marine Corps veteran and South Carolina hemp farmer who legally used cannabis for pain and PTSD when living in California

“I’m grateful to God that the Senate passed the Compassionate Care Act that will relieve pain and suffering for countless South Carolinians of ALL ages. We will now have a safe, legal alternative to opioids. Tom Davis has been a tireless crusader, often in a lonely battle on behalf of those who had no voice. He NEVER gave up! I extend my heartfelt thanks to our lawmakers, many of whom stepped out of their comfort zones, researched facts, and contributed to make this bill one of the best in the country.”

Margaret Richardson of Hilton Head who suffers from trigeminal neuralgia


The South Carolina Compassionate Care Alliance is a statewide coalition of patients, families, and advocates working to establish a comprehensive medical cannabis program in South Carolina. For more information, visit

The S.C. Senate just voted to send @SenTomDavisSC‘s amended medical marijuana bill to the House. Davis told reporters last night that he was encouraged by the Senate vote and hopes it translates into smoother sailing for the bill in the House, where its future remains uncertain.

Originally tweeted by Gavin Jackson (@GavinJackson) on February 10, 2022.

The bill cleared a great obstacle on its’ way to the Governor’s desk as South Carolina is considered by many to be a Last Holdout for Marijuana Prohibition. It seems likely that “honor” may fall to Texas or Kansas if this bill can be accepted by a majority of House members.

Watch the full Senate debate on our YouTube channel.
And stay tuned to our playlist breaking down each question, concern, and contribution to S150 here.

Polling isn’t clear on which direction the chamber will move, though we will report as the proposed legislation progresses and evolves.